Welcome to the 2nd All India Homeschoolers Conference, 2014.
Please click on the tabs above for the Registration Form and other information.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Dear Friends,
For the first time in India, Homeschooling families from all over the country will gather together to have fun, share our joys and fears, bond with each other, and celebrate our choice to be free at Swashikshan’s first Indian Homeschooler’s Conference – 2013 (IHC – 13). In order to help us help you make the most of our time together, let us brainstorm together. Please respond to any, preferably all the questions below. You can confer with your spouse and children and send in joint or separate responses:
  1. Is there anything you would particularly want from this conference.
  2. Do you have any talent or skill you would like to share.
  3. Do your children have any ideas to add?
  4. Would you or your child like to participate in the stage night?
  5. Will you or your child be bringing things to sell, show or talk about at a stall at the Mela, including curriculum? Please give us details as soon as possible so we can arrange a space.
  6. There is a tuck shop at St. Mary’s. In case they are open to keep certain favourite items of your children, do send us a list. We do not promise anything, but we can put forward your request.
  7. Priya has already requested for favourite music to make a play list for the last night bonfire party. Navin had suggested that we have some good quality music too. I think it would be nice if people could bring along ‘good’ music in addition to the fun dance tunes which we can play at other times all through the conference. Do let us know what you can bring or suggest.
  8. We will be having a book and toy corner. Please bring books you no longer need that can be left there for children to browse through. Also bring toys that you no longer need for children to play with. Board games and anything else you can think of are also welcome.
  9. Would you like to initiate a session? There will be a chart with free slots where you can add your session.
  10. Do you have any ideas for the inauguration when we will all be together – babies, children, teens, parents, grandparents.
If you do not wish to put down lengthy answers but just need to pass an idea, do call Urmila on 9422330377.


  1. My Children preparing for a stall...small one with may be some toy, decoration thing or food item.

  2. My son would like to sell some craft items that he's making.
    None of our family members are really performers, and won't participate in Stage Night. Though my husband can juggle with fire, I doubt he'll be trying anything like that with so many kids around!
    I don't really have a skill to share, but I noticed something mentioned about an art/craft corner for the kids, and I'll be bringing along some creativity worksheets that I've photocopied from a very unique book. It's something fun and silly that the kids can get creative with.
    Age group: anywhere between 4 and 10 year olds.
    Another idea I had: We could have everyone (parents) that would like to share (a homeschooling idea/anecdote/thought/or a feeling) in a large group, and each one gets a turn to talk, maybe for a maximum of two-five minutes, so that everyone has their say.
