Dola will coordinate India Homeschoolers Conference Talks (IHC Talks) during the homeschoolers' conference to be held at Khandala.
The salient features of the talks:
1. Speakers can choose a topic or theme that has inspired them.
2. She will also give a few general themes which the speakers can suit to their own specifics.
3. The talks would be for a duration of 20 minutes.
4. Hopefully two talks per morning one evening.
5. No discussions or question answer session after the talks.
6. The idea is to allow people to speak whatever they are passionate about or that which touched their lives..without the pressing need to convince, canvass, propagate or defend their ideas...
7. The audience can listen and then disperse and mull over the talks and see what it leads them to..
8. Since we have three days she suggests at least 10 volunteer speakers...9 are ideal..but an extra so that we have 3 talks each day confirmed...
9. There is no bar and you can talk on any damn thing under the sun...
10. With only one commitment that even there are only two people to listen to your will not get disheartened...She will surely be one of the two!

11. The talks can also go as part of Swashikshan TV...if the speaker consents to it.
ReplyDeleteDuring the conference, as a participant, we (a married coupe with a 2-year old kid) would like to share our ideas on:
1) Safe-Home-School for poor/deprived/abused kids: A place where learning/practice/testing of knowledge/understanding/skills starts from wake-up to wake-up through activities done together by kids of various ages. Preparation for board exams will be but one of the many goals, like excelling in at least one sport/trade-skill/art, learning our culture/heritage experientially (not just textbook history), being a good person/citizen/being first etc!
2) Free After-school-Customized-Educational-Support for kids of all backgrounds: A center which would be funded entirely through donations, sponsorship, Government/ Private scholarships, voluntary facilitators, other volunteers, in-house book-shop/health-restaurant/ internet-center/ library etc! The idea is: if we can't change the existing schooling system, we could at least provide after-school support which would compensate for the deficiencies in the system! The support provided will be academic, counseling, career-guidance, life-skills, extra-curricular activities etc. For example Aditi (12th grader) may want classes in Mathematics & Bharathanaatyam, and may additionally want to use the library for a few hours every other day to do her homework, study etc. And we shall provide her the same! The center head's duty will be to schedule the various activities (match students with facilitators etc), make sure every student gets truly customized support & ensure funding is adequate. If one successfully-working model " ACCEESS@point Customized Educative Solutions (ACES)"(as we've named it) is created, then a manual/know-how can be documented and distributed for free. A regional-level body can make sure that nobody is misusing the idea for benefiting their own monetary, ego or popularity greeds!
3) A forum for promoting an Organic, Saatwic, Eco-friendly lifestyle for everyone. Most often, in the name of science, more damage then benefit is done to the environment! There are so many relatively small & low-effort things that we could do to reduce our footprint on mother earth and hence, prevent consequent damage to ourselves, our kith & kin.
Will we get a chance to talk? What is the process for applying for the same? What parameters do we keep in mind, if we are selected to talk?
Aparna & Bhargav